Notice (8): Trying to access array offset on value of type null [APP/Plugin/Training/Controller/TrainingsController.php, line 1400]Code Context$event = new CakeEvent('Controller.trainingDetailMenu', $this, array('passParams' => true, 'aTraining' => $training));
$this->set('training_menu', $event->result['menu']);
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Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'training_level_id' => '4', 'level_id' => '3', 'period' => '1', 'gps_course_name' => '', 'gps_course' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'privacy_type' => '2', 'past' => '0', 'notification' => '0', 'disciplines' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'race' => '0', 'photo' => '6bdb4146d3f82e47791d8fa590619831.jpg', 'address' => '1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'tickets_url' => '', 'openrunner_url' => '', 'openrunner_id' => '0', 'openrunner_json' => '', 'city' => 'Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine', 'country' => 'France', 'photo_cover' => '', 'training_user_count' => (int) 11, 'kilometer_count' => null, 'training_count' => '0', 'status' => '0', 'lat' => '48.83019000', 'lng' => '2.23522500', 'polyline_latlng' => '', 'distance' => '100.00000000', 'approved' => false, 'created' => '2018-11-09 20:43:21', 'updated' => '2019-11-08 11:26:09', 'participants_count' => '0', 'participants_limit' => '0', 'photo_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'featured' => false, 'conversation_id' => '0', 'sport_id' => '1' ), 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => '202', 'name' => 'Pierre-Yves Roux', 'email' => '', 'salt' => null, 'role_id' => '2', 'avatar' => '18c12495be4fa129fea575efb8a057de.jpg', 'photo' => '', 'created' => '2017-03-01 17:39:10', 'last_login' => '2018-04-06 08:35:16', 'photo_count' => '14', 'friend_count' => '45', 'notification_count' => '42', 'friend_request_count' => '2', 'blog_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'group_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'conversation_user_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'gender' => 'Male', 'birthday' => '1963-04-12', 'active' => true, 'confirmed' => true, 'code' => 'b239bdd9b660d7740b101ff9d5d883ec', 'notification_email' => false, 'timezone' => 'America/Halifax', 'ip_address' => '', 'privacy' => '1', 'username' => '', 'about' => '', 'featured' => false, 'lang' => 'fra', 'hide_online' => false, 'cover' => '7b71e395821cb03473d24c230f83a770.jpg', 'approved' => true, 'is_social' => false, 'has_active_subscription' => false, 'receive_message_from_non_friend' => true, 'send_email_when_send_message' => true, 'request_friend_email' => true, 'notification_setting' => '{"comment_item":"1","like_item":"1","comment_of_comment":"1","share_item":"1","post_profile":"1","tag_photo":"1","comment_tag_photo":"1","like_tag_photo":"1","mention_user":"1","like_comment_mention":"1","comment_mention_status":"1","tag_user":"1","like_tag_user":"1","comment_tag_user":"1"}', 'profile_type_id' => '1', 'first_name' => 'Pierre-Yves', 'last_name' => 'Roux', 'phone' => '', 'facebook_link' => '', 'twitter_handle' => '', 'instagram_handle' => '', 'strava_handle' => '', 'linkedin_handle' => '', 'disciplines' => '1', 'distance' => '2295', 'level_id' => '1', 'lat' => '4.90500000', 'lng' => '-52.27639000', 'kilometer_count' => '2295', 'training_count' => '13', 'team_count' => '1', 'address' => 'Rémire Montjoly, Guyane française, France', 'city' => 'Guyane française', 'state' => '', 'country' => 'France', 'bike1_id' => '29', 'is_pro' => '0', 'social_avatar' => '', 'magasin' => '0', 'postal_code' => null, 'country_id' => '74', 'departement_id' => null, 'registeredby' => '0', 'handisport' => '0', 'licence' => null, 'licence_ffc' => null, 'reset_password_token' => null, 'token_created_at' => null, 'urgence_nom' => null, 'urgence_prenom' => null, 'urgence_tel' => null, 'tva_intra' => null, 'raison_sociale' => null ), 'TrainingLevel' => array( 'id' => '4', 'name' => '28-31 km/h', 'order_num' => '4', 'status' => '1' ) ) $comment = array() $disciplinesId = '1' $pos = false $disciplinesArr = '1' $role_id = (int) 3 $listDisc = array( (int) 0 => array( 'Discipline' => array( 'id' => '1', 'name' => 'Cyclisme sur route', 'order_num' => '1', 'status' => '1', 'sport_id' => '1', 'slug' => 'cyclisme-sur-route' ), 'Sport' => array( 'id' => '1', 'titre' => 'Cyclisme', 'description' => 'Cyclisme - 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On commence à allonger un peu les sorties. 100km au programme, avec pas trop de bosse pour garder un bon rythme. <br />C'est pourquoi on partira à <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>8h30</strong></span> dimanche avec le soleil. Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'training_level_id' => '4', 'level_id' => '3', 'period' => '1', 'gps_course_name' => '', 'gps_course' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'privacy_type' => '2', 'past' => '0', 'notification' => '0', 'disciplines' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'race' => '0', 'photo' => '6bdb4146d3f82e47791d8fa590619831.jpg', 'address' => '1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'tickets_url' => '', 'openrunner_url' => '', 'openrunner_id' => '0', 'openrunner_json' => '', 'city' => 'Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine', 'country' => 'France', 'photo_cover' => '', 'training_user_count' => '11', 'kilometer_count' => null, 'training_count' => '0', 'status' => '0', 'lat' => '48.83019000', 'lng' => '2.23522500', 'polyline_latlng' => '', 'distance' => '100.00000000', 'approved' => false, 'created' => '2018-11-09 20:43:21', 'updated' => '2019-11-08 11:26:09', 'participants_count' => '0', 'participants_limit' => '0', 'photo_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'featured' => false, 'conversation_id' => '0', 'sport_id' => '1' ), 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => '13810', 'name' => 'Christophe Pontcallec', 'email' => '', 'salt' => null, 'role_id' => '2', 'avatar' => 'b4545a9b462d96303d9af30af5c5aad1.jpg', 'photo' => '', 'created' => '2019-11-01 20:19:41', 'last_login' => '2019-11-01 20:19:41', 'photo_count' => '0', 'friend_count' => '2', 'notification_count' => '0', 'friend_request_count' => '0', 'blog_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'group_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'conversation_user_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'gender' => 'Male', 'birthday' => '1977-08-13', 'active' => true, 'confirmed' => true, 'code' => '', 'notification_email' => true, 'timezone' => '', 'ip_address' => '', 'privacy' => '1', 'username' => '', 'about' => '', 'featured' => false, 'lang' => 'fra', 'hide_online' => false, 'cover' => '', 'approved' => false, 'is_social' => false, 'has_active_subscription' => false, 'receive_message_from_non_friend' => true, 'send_email_when_send_message' => true, 'request_friend_email' => true, 'notification_setting' => null, 'profile_type_id' => '0', 'first_name' => 'Christophe', 'last_name' => 'Pontcallec', 'phone' => '', 'facebook_link' => '', 'twitter_handle' => '', 'instagram_handle' => '', 'strava_handle' => '', 'linkedin_handle' => '', 'disciplines' => '1,2,6', 'distance' => '0', 'level_id' => '2', 'lat' => '48.82568020', 'lng' => '2.31361350', 'kilometer_count' => '0', 'training_count' => '0', 'team_count' => '0', 'address' => '64 Boulevard Brune, 75014 Paris, France', 'city' => 'Paris', 'state' => '', 'country' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'is_pro' => '0', 'social_avatar' => '', 'magasin' => '0', 'postal_code' => null, 'country_id' => '74', 'departement_id' => null, 'registeredby' => '0', 'handisport' => '0', 'licence' => null, 'licence_ffc' => null, 'reset_password_token' => null, 'token_created_at' => null, 'urgence_nom' => null, 'urgence_prenom' => null, 'urgence_tel' => null, 'tva_intra' => null, 'raison_sociale' => null ) ), (int) 1 => array( 'TrainingUser' => array( 'id' => '64471', 'training_id' => '4119', 'user_id' => '13607', 'status' => '1', 'created' => '2019-11-02 17:25:00' ), 'Training' => array( 'id' => '4119', 'team_id' => '9', 'user_id' => '202', 'category_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Sortie Club ', 'start_date' => '2019-11-10 08:30:00', 'description' => '<div> <div> <div>Bonjour,<br /><br /></div> Dernière ligne droite avant le début des épreuves. On commence à allonger un peu les sorties. 100km au programme, avec pas trop de bosse pour garder un bon rythme. <br />C'est pourquoi on partira à <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>8h30</strong></span> dimanche avec le soleil. Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'training_level_id' => '4', 'level_id' => '3', 'period' => '1', 'gps_course_name' => '', 'gps_course' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'privacy_type' => '2', 'past' => '0', 'notification' => '0', 'disciplines' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'race' => '0', 'photo' => '6bdb4146d3f82e47791d8fa590619831.jpg', 'address' => '1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'tickets_url' => '', 'openrunner_url' => '', 'openrunner_id' => '0', 'openrunner_json' => '', 'city' => 'Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine', 'country' => 'France', 'photo_cover' => '', 'training_user_count' => '11', 'kilometer_count' => null, 'training_count' => '0', 'status' => '0', 'lat' => '48.83019000', 'lng' => '2.23522500', 'polyline_latlng' => '', 'distance' => '100.00000000', 'approved' => false, 'created' => '2018-11-09 20:43:21', 'updated' => '2019-11-08 11:26:09', 'participants_count' => '0', 'participants_limit' => '0', 'photo_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'featured' => false, 'conversation_id' => '0', 'sport_id' => '1' ), 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => '13607', 'name' => 'Baptiste Pages', 'email' => '', 'salt' => null, 'role_id' => '2', 'avatar' => '', 'photo' => '', 'created' => '2019-10-24 20:18:20', 'last_login' => '2019-10-24 20:18:20', 'photo_count' => '0', 'friend_count' => '1', 'notification_count' => '0', 'friend_request_count' => '0', 'blog_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'group_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'conversation_user_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'gender' => 'Male', 'birthday' => '1995-02-01', 'active' => true, 'confirmed' => true, 'code' => '', 'notification_email' => true, 'timezone' => '', 'ip_address' => '', 'privacy' => '1', 'username' => '', 'about' => '', 'featured' => false, 'lang' => 'fra', 'hide_online' => false, 'cover' => '', 'approved' => false, 'is_social' => false, 'has_active_subscription' => false, 'receive_message_from_non_friend' => true, 'send_email_when_send_message' => true, 'request_friend_email' => true, 'notification_setting' => null, 'profile_type_id' => '0', 'first_name' => 'Baptiste', 'last_name' => 'Pages', 'phone' => '', 'facebook_link' => '', 'twitter_handle' => '', 'instagram_handle' => '', 'strava_handle' => '', 'linkedin_handle' => '', 'disciplines' => '1', 'distance' => '0', 'level_id' => '1', 'lat' => '48.83506122', 'lng' => '2.30505635', 'kilometer_count' => '0', 'training_count' => '1', 'team_count' => '0', 'address' => '26 Rue Brancion, 75015 Paris, France', 'city' => ' 75015 Paris', 'state' => '', 'country' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'is_pro' => '0', 'social_avatar' => '', 'magasin' => '0', 'postal_code' => null, 'country_id' => '74', 'departement_id' => null, 'registeredby' => '0', 'handisport' => '0', 'licence' => null, 'licence_ffc' => null, 'reset_password_token' => null, 'token_created_at' => null, 'urgence_nom' => null, 'urgence_prenom' => null, 'urgence_tel' => null, 'tva_intra' => null, 'raison_sociale' => null ) ), (int) 2 => array( 'TrainingUser' => array( 'id' => '56564', 'training_id' => '4119', 'user_id' => '13057', 'status' => '1', 'created' => '2019-07-20 11:44:21' ), 'Training' => array( 'id' => '4119', 'team_id' => '9', 'user_id' => '202', 'category_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Sortie Club ', 'start_date' => '2019-11-10 08:30:00', 'description' => '<div> <div> <div>Bonjour,<br /><br /></div> Dernière ligne droite avant le début des épreuves. On commence à allonger un peu les sorties. 100km au programme, avec pas trop de bosse pour garder un bon rythme. <br />C'est pourquoi on partira à <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>8h30</strong></span> dimanche avec le soleil. Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'training_level_id' => '4', 'level_id' => '3', 'period' => '1', 'gps_course_name' => '', 'gps_course' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'privacy_type' => '2', 'past' => '0', 'notification' => '0', 'disciplines' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'race' => '0', 'photo' => '6bdb4146d3f82e47791d8fa590619831.jpg', 'address' => '1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'tickets_url' => '', 'openrunner_url' => '', 'openrunner_id' => '0', 'openrunner_json' => '', 'city' => 'Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine', 'country' => 'France', 'photo_cover' => '', 'training_user_count' => '11', 'kilometer_count' => null, 'training_count' => '0', 'status' => '0', 'lat' => '48.83019000', 'lng' => '2.23522500', 'polyline_latlng' => '', 'distance' => '100.00000000', 'approved' => false, 'created' => '2018-11-09 20:43:21', 'updated' => '2019-11-08 11:26:09', 'participants_count' => '0', 'participants_limit' => '0', 'photo_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'featured' => false, 'conversation_id' => '0', 'sport_id' => '1' ), 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => '13057', 'name' => 'Julien Heurtel', 'email' => '', 'salt' => null, 'role_id' => '2', 'avatar' => 'ca26ad02d96d9932b7a70b6e7b9732ef.jpg', 'photo' => '', 'created' => '2019-07-20 11:39:53', 'last_login' => '2019-07-20 11:39:53', 'photo_count' => '1', 'friend_count' => '0', 'notification_count' => '0', 'friend_request_count' => '0', 'blog_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'group_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'conversation_user_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'gender' => 'Male', 'birthday' => '1982-04-11', 'active' => true, 'confirmed' => true, 'code' => 'd56570173cb81d016abc869c6b2e79c2', 'notification_email' => true, 'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris', 'ip_address' => '', 'privacy' => '1', 'username' => '', 'about' => '', 'featured' => false, 'lang' => '', 'hide_online' => false, 'cover' => '', 'approved' => true, 'is_social' => true, 'has_active_subscription' => false, 'receive_message_from_non_friend' => true, 'send_email_when_send_message' => true, 'request_friend_email' => true, 'notification_setting' => null, 'profile_type_id' => '1', 'first_name' => '', 'last_name' => '', 'phone' => '', 'facebook_link' => '', 'twitter_handle' => '', 'instagram_handle' => '', 'strava_handle' => '', 'linkedin_handle' => '', 'disciplines' => '', 'distance' => '0', 'level_id' => '1', 'lat' => '0.00000000', 'lng' => '0.00000000', 'kilometer_count' => '0', 'training_count' => '0', 'team_count' => '0', 'address' => '', 'city' => '', 'state' => '', 'country' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'is_pro' => '0', 'social_avatar' => '', 'magasin' => '0', 'postal_code' => null, 'country_id' => '74', 'departement_id' => null, 'registeredby' => '0', 'handisport' => '0', 'licence' => null, 'licence_ffc' => null, 'reset_password_token' => null, 'token_created_at' => null, 'urgence_nom' => null, 'urgence_prenom' => null, 'urgence_tel' => null, 'tva_intra' => null, 'raison_sociale' => null ) ), (int) 3 => array( 'TrainingUser' => array( 'id' => '48953', 'training_id' => '4119', 'user_id' => '203', 'status' => '1', 'created' => '2019-04-11 08:43:51' ), 'Training' => array( 'id' => '4119', 'team_id' => '9', 'user_id' => '202', 'category_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Sortie Club ', 'start_date' => '2019-11-10 08:30:00', 'description' => '<div> <div> <div>Bonjour,<br /><br /></div> Dernière ligne droite avant le début des épreuves. On commence à allonger un peu les sorties. 100km au programme, avec pas trop de bosse pour garder un bon rythme. <br />C'est pourquoi on partira à <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>8h30</strong></span> dimanche avec le soleil. 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Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'training_level_id' => '4', 'level_id' => '3', 'period' => '1', 'gps_course_name' => '', 'gps_course' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'privacy_type' => '2', 'past' => '0', 'notification' => '0', 'disciplines' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'race' => '0', 'photo' => '6bdb4146d3f82e47791d8fa590619831.jpg', 'address' => '1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'tickets_url' => '', 'openrunner_url' => '', 'openrunner_id' => '0', 'openrunner_json' => '', 'city' => 'Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine', 'country' => 'France', 'photo_cover' => '', 'training_user_count' => '11', 'kilometer_count' => null, 'training_count' => '0', 'status' => '0', 'lat' => '48.83019000', 'lng' => '2.23522500', 'polyline_latlng' => '', 'distance' => '100.00000000', 'approved' => false, 'created' => '2018-11-09 20:43:21', 'updated' => '2019-11-08 11:26:09', 'participants_count' => '0', 'participants_limit' => '0', 'photo_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'featured' => false, 'conversation_id' => '0', 'sport_id' => '1' ), 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => '10358', 'name' => 'Vincent Bischoff', 'email' => '', 'salt' => null, 'role_id' => '2', 'avatar' => '', 'photo' => '', 'created' => '2018-11-30 23:27:46', 'last_login' => '2018-11-30 23:27:46', 'photo_count' => '0', 'friend_count' => '3', 'notification_count' => '2', 'friend_request_count' => '0', 'blog_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'group_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'conversation_user_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'gender' => 'Male', 'birthday' => '1981-02-18', 'active' => true, 'confirmed' => true, 'code' => 'e63a41ca622f65bcd158089328fe9c50', 'notification_email' => true, 'timezone' => '', 'ip_address' => '', 'privacy' => '1', 'username' => '', 'about' => '', 'featured' => false, 'lang' => 'fra', 'hide_online' => false, 'cover' => '', 'approved' => true, 'is_social' => false, 'has_active_subscription' => false, 'receive_message_from_non_friend' => true, 'send_email_when_send_message' => true, 'request_friend_email' => true, 'notification_setting' => null, 'profile_type_id' => '0', 'first_name' => 'Vincent', 'last_name' => 'Bischoff', 'phone' => '', 'facebook_link' => '', 'twitter_handle' => '', 'instagram_handle' => '', 'strava_handle' => '', 'linkedin_handle' => '', 'disciplines' => '1,2,3,6', 'distance' => '0', 'level_id' => '1', 'lat' => '48.89325620', 'lng' => '2.25265213', 'kilometer_count' => '0', 'training_count' => '0', 'team_count' => '0', 'address' => '16 Rue De Bezons, 92400 Courbevoie, France', 'city' => ' 92400 Courbevoie', 'state' => '', 'country' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'is_pro' => '0', 'social_avatar' => '', 'magasin' => '0', 'postal_code' => null, 'country_id' => '74', 'departement_id' => null, 'registeredby' => '0', 'handisport' => '0', 'licence' => null, 'licence_ffc' => null, 'reset_password_token' => null, 'token_created_at' => null, 'urgence_nom' => null, 'urgence_prenom' => null, 'urgence_tel' => null, 'tva_intra' => null, 'raison_sociale' => null ) ), (int) 8 => array( 'TrainingUser' => array( 'id' => '36524', 'training_id' => '4119', 'user_id' => '5974', 'status' => '1', 'created' => '2018-11-10 18:07:02' ), 'Training' => array( 'id' => '4119', 'team_id' => '9', 'user_id' => '202', 'category_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Sortie Club ', 'start_date' => '2019-11-10 08:30:00', 'description' => '<div> <div> <div>Bonjour,<br /><br /></div> Dernière ligne droite avant le début des épreuves. 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Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'training_level_id' => '4', 'level_id' => '3', 'period' => '1', 'gps_course_name' => '', 'gps_course' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'privacy_type' => '2', 'past' => '0', 'notification' => '0', 'disciplines' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'race' => '0', 'photo' => '6bdb4146d3f82e47791d8fa590619831.jpg', 'address' => '1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'tickets_url' => '', 'openrunner_url' => '', 'openrunner_id' => '0', 'openrunner_json' => '', 'city' => 'Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine', 'country' => 'France', 'photo_cover' => '', 'training_user_count' => '11', 'kilometer_count' => null, 'training_count' => '0', 'status' => '0', 'lat' => '48.83019000', 'lng' => '2.23522500', 'polyline_latlng' => '', 'distance' => '100.00000000', 'approved' => false, 'created' => '2018-11-09 20:43:21', 'updated' => '2019-11-08 11:26:09', 'participants_count' => '0', 'participants_limit' => '0', 'photo_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'featured' => false, 'conversation_id' => '0', 'sport_id' => '1' ), 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => '202', 'name' => 'Pierre-Yves Roux', 'email' => '', 'salt' => null, 'role_id' => '2', 'avatar' => '18c12495be4fa129fea575efb8a057de.jpg', 'photo' => '', 'created' => '2017-03-01 17:39:10', 'last_login' => '2018-04-06 08:35:16', 'photo_count' => '14', 'friend_count' => '45', 'notification_count' => '42', 'friend_request_count' => '2', 'blog_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'group_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'conversation_user_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'gender' => 'Male', 'birthday' => '1963-04-12', 'active' => true, 'confirmed' => true, 'code' => 'b239bdd9b660d7740b101ff9d5d883ec', 'notification_email' => false, 'timezone' => 'America/Halifax', 'ip_address' => '', 'privacy' => '1', 'username' => '', 'about' => '', 'featured' => false, 'lang' => 'fra', 'hide_online' => false, 'cover' => '7b71e395821cb03473d24c230f83a770.jpg', 'approved' => true, 'is_social' => false, 'has_active_subscription' => false, 'receive_message_from_non_friend' => true, 'send_email_when_send_message' => true, 'request_friend_email' => true, 'notification_setting' => '{"comment_item":"1","like_item":"1","comment_of_comment":"1","share_item":"1","post_profile":"1","tag_photo":"1","comment_tag_photo":"1","like_tag_photo":"1","mention_user":"1","like_comment_mention":"1","comment_mention_status":"1","tag_user":"1","like_tag_user":"1","comment_tag_user":"1"}', 'profile_type_id' => '1', 'first_name' => 'Pierre-Yves', 'last_name' => 'Roux', 'phone' => '', 'facebook_link' => '', 'twitter_handle' => '', 'instagram_handle' => '', 'strava_handle' => '', 'linkedin_handle' => '', 'disciplines' => '1', 'distance' => '2295', 'level_id' => '1', 'lat' => '4.90500000', 'lng' => '-52.27639000', 'kilometer_count' => '2295', 'training_count' => '13', 'team_count' => '1', 'address' => 'Rémire Montjoly, Guyane française, France', 'city' => 'Guyane française', 'state' => '', 'country' => 'France', 'bike1_id' => '29', 'is_pro' => '0', 'social_avatar' => '', 'magasin' => '0', 'postal_code' => null, 'country_id' => '74', 'departement_id' => null, 'registeredby' => '0', 'handisport' => '0', 'licence' => null, 'licence_ffc' => null, 'reset_password_token' => null, 'token_created_at' => null, 'urgence_nom' => null, 'urgence_prenom' => null, 'urgence_tel' => null, 'tva_intra' => null, 'raison_sociale' => null ) ) ) $admin_count = (int) 1 $member_count = (int) 10 $cuser = array() $description = '<div> <div> <div>Bonjour,<br /><br /></div> Dernière ligne droite avant le début des épreuves. On commence à allonger un peu les sorties. 100km au programme, avec pas trop de bosse pour garder un bon rythme. <br />C'est pourquoi on partira à <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>8h30</strong></span> dimanche avec le soleil. Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>' $trainingHelper = object(TrainingHelper) { helpers => array( (int) 0 => 'Storage.Storage', (int) 1 => 'Form', (int) 2 => 'Html', (int) 3 => 'Js', (int) 4 => 'Time' ) settings => array() theme => null request => object(CakeRequest) {} plugin => null fieldset => array() tags => array() [protected] _enable => null [protected] _active_training => array() [protected] _helperMap => array( 'Storage' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'Form' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'Html' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'Js' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'Time' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) [protected] _tainted => null [protected] _cleaned => null [protected] _View => object(MooView) {} [protected] _fieldSuffixes => array( (int) 0 => 'year', (int) 1 => 'month', (int) 2 => 'day', (int) 3 => 'hour', (int) 4 => 'min', (int) 5 => 'second', (int) 6 => 'meridian' ) [protected] _modelScope => null [protected] _association => null [protected] _entityPath => null [protected] _minimizedAttributes => array( (int) 0 => 'allowfullscreen', (int) 1 => 'async', (int) 2 => 'autofocus', (int) 3 => 'autoplay', (int) 4 => 'checked', (int) 5 => 'compact', (int) 6 => 'controls', (int) 7 => 'declare', (int) 8 => 'default', (int) 9 => 'defaultchecked', (int) 10 => 'defaultmuted', (int) 11 => 'defaultselected', (int) 12 => 'defer', (int) 13 => 'disabled', (int) 14 => 'enabled', (int) 15 => 'formnovalidate', (int) 16 => 'hidden', (int) 17 => 'indeterminate', (int) 18 => 'inert', (int) 19 => 'ismap', (int) 20 => 'itemscope', (int) 21 => 'loop', (int) 22 => 'multiple', (int) 23 => 'muted', (int) 24 => 'nohref', (int) 25 => 'noresize', (int) 26 => 'noshade', (int) 27 => 'novalidate', (int) 28 => 'nowrap', (int) 29 => 'open', (int) 30 => 'pauseonexit', (int) 31 => 'readonly', (int) 32 => 'required', (int) 33 => 'reversed', (int) 34 => 'scoped', (int) 35 => 'seamless', (int) 36 => 'selected', (int) 37 => 'sortable', (int) 38 => 'spellcheck', (int) 39 => 'truespeed', (int) 40 => 'typemustmatch', (int) 41 => 'visible' ) [protected] _attributeFormat => '%s="%s"' [protected] _minimizedAttributeFormat => '%s="%s"' } $startDate = '2019-11-10 08:30:00' $event = object(CakeEvent) { data => array( 'passParams' => true, 'aTraining' => array( [maximum depth reached] ) ) result => null [protected] _name => 'Controller.trainingDetailMenu' [protected] _subject => object(TrainingsController) {} [protected] _stopped => false }TrainingsController::view() - APP/Plugin/Training/Controller/TrainingsController.php, line 1400 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 80
Notice (8): Undefined index: moo_type [APP/Controller/Component/FeedsComponent.php, line 100]Code Context$class = 'profile_'.strtolower($subject_type);
$target_id = $subject[$subject_type]['id'];
$type = $subject[$subject_type]['moo_type'];
$c = object(TrainingsController) { paginate => array( 'order' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'findType' => 'translated' ) components => array( 'Auth' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'Cookie' => null, 'Session' => null, 'RequestHandler' => null, 'Feeds' => null, 'Flash' => null, 'FFC' => null, 'Geo' => null, 'Bike' => null, 'Openrunner' => null ) helpers => array( 'Html' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 0 => 'Text', 'Form' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 1 => 'Session', 'Time' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 2 => 'Moo', (int) 3 => 'Menu.Menu', (int) 4 => 'MooGMap', 'Text' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), (int) 5 => 'MooPeople', (int) 6 => 'MooTranslate', (int) 7 => 'MooPhoto', (int) 8 => 'MooTime', (int) 9 => 'MooActivity', (int) 10 => 'MooPopup', (int) 11 => 'MooRequirejs', (int) 12 => 'Minify.Minify', (int) 13 => 'Storage.Storage' ) viewClass => 'Moo' check_subscription => true check_force_login => false name => 'Trainings' uses => array( (int) 0 => 'Training.Training', (int) 1 => 'Setting', (int) 2 => 'Language', (int) 3 => 'Theme', (int) 4 => 'CoreContent', (int) 5 => 'CoreBlock', (int) 6 => 'Level', (int) 7 => 'Training.TrainingUser', (int) 8 => 'Comment', (int) 9 => 'Discipline', (int) 10 => 'Photo.Photo', (int) 11 => 'Activity' ) request => object(CakeRequest) {} response => object(CakeResponse) {} viewPath => 'Trainings' layoutPath => null viewVars => array( 'training_menu' => null, 'startDate' => '2019-11-10 08:30:00', 'og_description' => 'Cyclisme sur route, 28-31 km/h, 100km, Travail spécifique 11 membres 1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'description_for_layout' => '<div> <div> <div>Bonjour,<br /><br /></div> Dernière ligne droite avant le début des épreuves. On commence à allonger un peu les sorties. 100km au programme, avec pas trop de bosse pour garder un bon rythme. <br />C'est pourquoi on partira à <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>8h30</strong></span> dimanche avec le soleil. Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'title_for_layout' => 'Sortie Club ', 'training' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'training_id' => (int) 4119, 'admin_count' => (int) 1, 'member_count' => (int) 10, 'training_admins' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'members' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'photos' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'admins' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'discStr' => 'Cyclisme sur route', 'comments' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'data' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'uid' => null, 'hide_dislike' => '1', 'utz' => 'Europe/Paris', 'uacos' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'role_id' => (int) 3, 'redirect_url' => 'aHR0cHM6Ly9leC5zcG9ydHNuY29ubmVjdC5jb20vdHJhaW5pbmdzL3ZpZXcvNDExOQ==', 'no_right_column' => true, 'cuser' => array([maximum depth reached]), 'current_theme' => 'moorallyup', 'site_rtl' => false, 'site_langs' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'site_themes' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'mooFooter' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'mooHeader' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'mooPage' => array( [maximum depth reached] ), 'mooPageTitle' => 'Training Detail Pages', 'mooPageKeyword' => '', 'mooPageDescription' => '', 'accepted_cookie' => null, 'isMobile' => false, 'file_max_upload' => '8M' ) view => 'view' layout => 'default2' autoRender => true autoLayout => true Components => object(ComponentCollection) {} View => null ext => '.ctp' plugin => 'Training' cacheAction => false passedArgs => array( (int) 0 => '4119' ) scaffold => false methods => array( (int) 1 => 'defaults', (int) 2 => '_getPhoto', (int) 3 => '_does_url_exists', (int) 4 => 'index', (int) 5 => 'indexupdate', (int) 6 => 'browse', (int) 7 => 'create', (int) 8 => 'add', (int) 9 => 'edit', (int) 10 => 'valide_ajax', (int) 11 => 'view', (int) 12 => 'details', (int) 13 => 'stop_notification', (int) 14 => 'do_request', (int) 15 => 'ajax_do_request', (int) 16 => 'ajax_do_leave', (int) 17 => 'request_to_join', (int) 18 => 'members', (int) 19 => 'ajax_invite', (int) 20 => 'ajax_sendInvite', (int) 21 => 'ajax_remove_member', (int) 22 => 'ajax_change_admin', (int) 23 => 'ajax_requests', (int) 24 => 'ajax_respond', (int) 25 => 'do_leave', (int) 26 => 'do_feature', (int) 27 => 'do_unfeature', (int) 28 => 'do_delete', (int) 29 => 'admin_index', (int) 30 => 'admin_delete', (int) 31 => 'popular', (int) 32 => 'joined_training', (int) 33 => 'admin_list', (int) 34 => 'member_list', (int) 35 => 'ajax_training_joined', (int) 36 => 'categories_list', (int) 37 => 'my_joined_training', (int) 38 => 'profile_user_training', (int) 39 => 'duplicate_training', (int) 40 => 'ajax_save_training', (int) 41 => 'download_gpx', (int) 42 => 'openrunner', (int) 43 => 'geo', (int) 45 => 'isApi', (int) 46 => 'isApp', (int) 47 => 'isMobile', (int) 48 => 'isAndroidApp', (int) 49 => 'isIOSApp', (int) 50 => 'initialize', (int) 51 => '_getUser', (int) 52 => '_getUserRoleId', (int) 53 => '_getUserRoleParams', (int) 54 => '_getSettings', (int) 55 => 'isAllowedPermissions', (int) 56 => '_checkPermission', (int) 57 => '_checkExistence', (int) 58 => '_showError', (int) 59 => '_jsonError', (int) 60 => '_validateData', (int) 61 => '_checkPrivacy', (int) 62 => '_logMeIn', (int) 63 => 'logout', (int) 64 => '_sendEmail', (int) 65 => 'currentUri', (int) 66 => 'doLoadingBlocks', (int) 69 => 'beforeMooViewRender', (int) 70 => 'setNgController', (int) 71 => 'get', (int) 72 => 'getPluginModel', (int) 73 => 'isModelInPlugin', (int) 76 => 'getGuest', (int) 77 => 'isBanned', (int) 79 => '_sendNotificationToMentionUser', (int) 80 => '_getUserIdInMention', (int) 81 => 'getBlockedUsers', (int) 82 => 'getDescriptionForMeta', (int) 83 => 'getKeywordsForMeta', (int) 84 => '_checkPermissionTrueFalse' ) modelClass => 'Training' modelKey => 'training' validationErrors => null Widgets => object(WidgetCollection) {} Auth => object(AuthComponent) {} Cookie => object(CookieComponent) {} Session => object(SessionComponent) {} RequestHandler => object(RequestHandlerComponent) {} Feeds => object(FeedsComponent) {} Flash => object(FlashComponent) {} FFC => object(FFCComponent) {} Geo => object(GeoComponent) {} Bike => object(BikeComponent) {} Openrunner => object(OpenrunnerComponent) {} Setting => object(Setting) {} MooMail => object(MooMailComponent) {} Language => object(Language) {} Theme => object(Theme) {} theme => 'moorallyup' CoreContent => object(CoreContent) {} CoreBlock => object(CoreBlock) {} Level => object(Level) {} TrainingUser => object(TrainingUser) {} Comment => object(Comment) {} Training => object(Training) {} options => array( 'aco' => 'training_view' ) Discipline => object(Discipline) {} Photo => object(Photo) {} Activity => object(Activity) {} [protected] _responseClass => 'CakeResponse' [protected] _mergeParent => 'AppController' [protected] _eventManager => object(CakeEventManager) {} } $subject = array( 'Training' => array( 'id' => '4119', 'team_id' => '9', 'user_id' => '202', 'category_id' => '0', 'name' => 'Sortie Club ', 'start_date' => '2019-11-10 08:30:00', 'description' => '<div> <div> <div>Bonjour,<br /><br /></div> Dernière ligne droite avant le début des épreuves. On commence à allonger un peu les sorties. 100km au programme, avec pas trop de bosse pour garder un bon rythme. <br />C'est pourquoi on partira à <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>8h30</strong></span> dimanche avec le soleil. Enfin, j'ai commandé le soleil, mais pas sûr qu'il soit livré à temps...<br />++</div> Benoît</div>', 'training_level_id' => '4', 'level_id' => '3', 'period' => '1', 'gps_course_name' => '', 'gps_course' => '', 'bike1_id' => '0', 'privacy_type' => '2', 'past' => '0', 'notification' => '0', 'disciplines' => '1', 'type' => '1', 'race' => '0', 'photo' => '6bdb4146d3f82e47791d8fa590619831.jpg', 'address' => '1118 Rue Yves Kermen, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France', 'tickets_url' => '', 'openrunner_url' => '', 'openrunner_id' => '0', 'openrunner_json' => '', 'city' => 'Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine', 'country' => 'France', 'photo_cover' => '', 'training_user_count' => (int) 11, 'kilometer_count' => null, 'training_count' => '0', 'status' => '0', 'lat' => '48.83019000', 'lng' => '2.23522500', 'polyline_latlng' => '', 'distance' => '100.00000000', 'approved' => false, 'created' => '2018-11-09 20:43:21', 'updated' => '2019-11-08 11:26:09', 'participants_count' => '0', 'participants_limit' => '0', 'photo_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'featured' => false, 'conversation_id' => '0', 'sport_id' => '1' ), 'User' => array( 'password' => '*****', 'id' => '202', 'name' => 'Pierre-Yves Roux', 'email' => '', 'salt' => null, 'role_id' => '2', 'avatar' => '18c12495be4fa129fea575efb8a057de.jpg', 'photo' => '', 'created' => '2017-03-01 17:39:10', 'last_login' => '2018-04-06 08:35:16', 'photo_count' => '14', 'friend_count' => '45', 'notification_count' => '42', 'friend_request_count' => '2', 'blog_count' => '0', 'topic_count' => '0', 'group_count' => '0', 'event_count' => '0', 'conversation_user_count' => '0', 'video_count' => '0', 'gender' => 'Male', 'birthday' => '1963-04-12', 'active' => true, 'confirmed' => true, 'code' => 'b239bdd9b660d7740b101ff9d5d883ec', 'notification_email' => false, 'timezone' => 'America/Halifax', 'ip_address' => '', 'privacy' => '1', 'username' => '', 'about' => '', 'featured' => false, 'lang' => 'fra', 'hide_online' => false, 'cover' => '7b71e395821cb03473d24c230f83a770.jpg', 'approved' => true, 'is_social' => false, 'has_active_subscription' => false, 'receive_message_from_non_friend' => true, 'send_email_when_send_message' => true, 'request_friend_email' => true, 'notification_setting' => '{"comment_item":"1","like_item":"1","comment_of_comment":"1","share_item":"1","post_profile":"1","tag_photo":"1","comment_tag_photo":"1","like_tag_photo":"1","mention_user":"1","like_comment_mention":"1","comment_mention_status":"1","tag_user":"1","like_tag_user":"1","comment_tag_user":"1"}', 'profile_type_id' => '1', 'first_name' => 'Pierre-Yves', 'last_name' => 'Roux', 'phone' => '', 'facebook_link' => '', 'twitter_handle' => '', 'instagram_handle' => '', 'strava_handle' => '', 'linkedin_handle' => '', 'disciplines' => '1', 'distance' => '2295', 'level_id' => '1', 'lat' => '4.90500000', 'lng' => '-52.27639000', 'kilometer_count' => '2295', 'training_count' => '13', 'team_count' => '1', 'address' => 'Rémire Montjoly, Guyane française, France', 'city' => 'Guyane française', 'state' => '', 'country' => 'France', 'bike1_id' => '29', 'is_pro' => '0', 'social_avatar' => '', 'magasin' => '0', 'postal_code' => null, 'country_id' => '74', 'departement_id' => null, 'registeredby' => '0', 'handisport' => '0', 'licence' => null, 'licence_ffc' => null, 'reset_password_token' => null, 'token_created_at' => null, 'urgence_nom' => null, 'urgence_prenom' => null, 'urgence_tel' => null, 'tva_intra' => null, 'raison_sociale' => null ), 'TrainingLevel' => array( 'id' => '4', 'name' => '28-31 km/h', 'order_num' => '4', 'status' => '1' ) ) $cookieComponent = object(CookieComponent) { name => 'mooSocial' time => (int) 2592000 path => '/' domain => '' secure => false key => '2737a496c6307a276e4a34bfd7b100cd' httpOnly => false settings => array() components => array() [protected] _values => array( 'mooSocial' => array([maximum depth reached]) ) [protected] _type => 'cipher' [protected] _reset => (int) 0 [protected] _expires => (int) 1744576757 [protected] _response => object(CakeResponse) {} [protected] _Collection => object(ComponentCollection) {} [protected] _componentMap => array() } $activities = array() $activity_likes = array() $activities_count = (int) 0 $viewer = false $uid = false $check_post_status = false $text = '' $admins = array() $url_more = '' $class = 'profile_training' $activityParams = true $target_id = '4119' $subject_type = 'Training'FeedsComponent::get() - APP/Controller/Component/FeedsComponent.php, line 100 TrainingsController::view() - APP/Plugin/Training/Controller/TrainingsController.php, line 1402 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ?? Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 499 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 193 Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 167 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 80
Sortie Club
L'entrainement est privé.
Aucun participant actuellement.